Member of the public injured by needle as he tried to save man who died in Dorking KFC

6 January 2016

A MEMBER of the public performed CPR on the man who died in Dorking's KFC on Monday, but he was injured by a needle as he did so.

 Surrey Police officers, along with firefighters and paramedics, were called to the High Street eatery at around 9.50pm following reports of a concern for safety.

 A man is his fifties was pronounced dead at the scene after having a cardiac arrest.

 A customer in the restaurant had carried out CPR on the man. Paramedics and police officers took over care when they arrived but attempts to revive the him were unsuccessful.

 Neighbourhood Inspector Richard Hamlin was quick to praise the man who tried to help.

 He said: "We were very grateful to him for the efforts he made. He went way beyond the call of duty and further than most members of the public would have gone.

"He attempted to administer CPR. He received a needle stick injury in the process which he was taken to hospital for.

 "Obviously any type of needle injury is very worrying for anyone to receive in any circumstances so really I would only like to reiterate our thanks to him.

 "I phoned him to give my thanks to him for his actions personally. I think the family of the dead man would also have liked to thank him if they had seen the efforts he made."

 A spokeswoman for the Surrey Ambulance service confirmed that a man had died at Dorking KFC after collapsing at the premises and suffering a cardiac arrest.

 A Surrey Police spokeswoman said: "The death is being treated as unexplained but at this stage there is nothing to suggest any third party involvement.

 "A file is being prepared and will be passed to the Surrey Coroner's Office in due course."

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